Archives: October 2002

Excited by the seemingly positive "Which Cartoon Dog Are You" results, I decided to embark upon a little pseudonym-searching session this afternoon. Check out what I came up with:

  • My Pirate Name is Iron Jack Vane

  • My Hobbitt Name is Togo Danderfluff

  • My Pokéname is Voltpuff

  • My Authentic Indian Name is Joseph Inexpensive Arachnid

  • My Pilgrim Name is Fear Legg

  • My Hawaiian Name is Palike Pokeli

  • My Fairy's Name is Field Reeddancer

  • My TechnoPagan Name is Tired Scanner

  • My WuName (inspired by the WuTang Clan) is Superintendent God-Botherer

  • Unfortunately, my Work Nickname is Ugly
  • And tragically, my Smurf Name is Erectile Dysfunction Smurf

  • Hmmm.... that Smurf name is a little troubling. Thinking back, I was always turned on by Smurfette.... but then again who wouldn't be? After all, she was the only girl smurf with blonde hair and high heels. I bet she had to put up with a lot of "Dumb Blonde Smurf" jokes.

    Q - What is the best thing about being a blonde smurf?
    A - You're only a *little* dumb!


    Bryceman - 10.29.02

    Ok, so it's been a long time. I won't bore you with details - I'll just get straight to the point.

    I took this online survey to determine what cartoon dog I am. Here are the results:

    Not-too-coicidentally, I've had a stuffed Snoopy dog for as long as I can remember. He has been stationed at the side of my various beds throughout the years, even making the journey with me to Kwaj and back.

    Now where is that pesky Red Baron???

    Bryceman - 10.28.02

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